Climate Emergency is REAL & TODAY –
and occurring all over the world. Forest fires, massive flooding, 500 years storms occurring yearly, drought, melting glaciers, disappearing animals, bees & other species – we need to wake up.
EACH of us needs to get proactive –
for our kids, friends and family.
Click Here for more information
(Reference handout)
Global Climate Strike Sept 20, 2019
CNN – Here’s how climate change will impact the US
Seattle & Washington State Climate News (Click)
Seattles Green New Deal (
Outside of Washington State – Click here

Not sure climate emergency is real
or worth standing up for?
How open minded are you ? Are you really ?
If open minded – Watch EACH short video then information page created for skeptical people
A) Watch 2 Minutes with Josh Fox
B) Fracking 101 – why natural gas is dirty and
dangerous (2:30)
(Do you care if your drinking water contains
Lead, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Methanol and ??? )
C) Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye |
National Geographic (4:00)
D) Skeptical Climate Change is real EMERGENCY ?
This page is designed for you.
If YOU’RE CONCERNED and want to be more involved, taking action –> Click Here
Addition References:
1) Climate anxiety doesn’t have to ruin your life.
Here’s how to manage it. By Eve Andrews
2) Can we really wait 4-8 more years to stop
this madness? – Guardian
“Chasing Ice” Watch the Trailer
Watch documentary on Amazon Prime
Netflix (If you have an account)
Chasing Ice is honored to have received the 2014 News and Documentary Emmy® award for Outstanding Nature Programming!! The film made its TV debut on the National Geographic Channel and Chasing Ice has screened in more than 172 countries and on all 7 continents
Click Here for more information
(Reference handout)